2001 The year East Scarborough Storefront opened at Morningside Mall
2007 The year The East Scarborough Storefront moved to its current location: a repurposed police station (after Morningside Mall closed)
31,877 Population in the East Scarborough community of Kingston-Galloway/Orton Park(KGO) *
$23,547 Average income of individuals living within the KGO (vs $30,089 for the City of Toronto) *
28.45% Percentage of low income individuals based on Federal Low Income Measure (vs 20.2% for the City of Toronto) *
47% Percentage of individuals in KGO who have completed post secondary education (vs. 59% for the City of Toronto) *
12.51% Unemployment rate of individuals living in the KGO. (Unemployment rate of Toronto: 8.2%) *
43% Percentage of people travelling over 45 mins to get to work (vs 31% for the City of Toronto) *
134 Number of individuals finding employment and training due to support from The Storefront
50% Percentage of population that are immigrants *
5.84% Percentage of recent newcomers (Arriving between 2011 and 2016) *
70% Percentage of visible minorities living in the KGO (vs 51% for the City of Toronto) *
29% Percentage of households with only one occupant (vs 32% for the City of Toronto) *
36% Percentage of lone parents households (vs 21% for the City of Toronto) *
5 Top non-official Mother Tongues spoken in the KGO: Tamil, Tagalog, Bengali, Gujarati Persian *
23 Number of agencies co-creating local strategies
613 Number of Hours volunteers of The Storefront contributed to their community between April 2021- March 2022
25 Number of Partner Agencies providing services to residents

One-on-one scheduled employment
consultations (2021-2022)

23 Number of staff of The Storefront
24 Number of Languages Spoken by partners and staff of The Storefront
32,278 Connections made over the phone,
emails and virtual meetings.
50 Laptops were given to local residents in partnership with the Justice Fund (2021-2022)
Area Served Kingston Road (south), Scarborough Golf Club Road (west), Ellesmere (north) and Morningside (east)

*Information based on most recent information from Statistics Canada 2016