2001 | The year East Scarborough Storefront opened at Morningside Mall |
2007 | The year The East Scarborough Storefront moved to its current location: a repurposed police station (after Morningside Mall closed) |
31,877 | Population in the East Scarborough community of Kingston-Galloway/Orton Park(KGO) * |
$23,547 | Average income of individuals living within the KGO (vs $30,089 for the City of Toronto) * |
28.45% | Percentage of low income individuals based on Federal Low Income Measure (vs 20.2% for the City of Toronto) * |
47% | Percentage of individuals in KGO who have completed post secondary education (vs. 59% for the City of Toronto) * |
12.51% | Unemployment rate of individuals living in the KGO. (Unemployment rate of Toronto: 8.2%) * |
43% | Percentage of people travelling over 45 mins to get to work (vs 31% for the City of Toronto) * |
134 | Number of individuals finding employment and training due to support from The Storefront |
50% | Percentage of population that are immigrants * |
5.84% | Percentage of recent newcomers (Arriving between 2011 and 2016) * |
70% | Percentage of visible minorities living in the KGO (vs 51% for the City of Toronto) * |
29% | Percentage of households with only one occupant (vs 32% for the City of Toronto) * |
36% | Percentage of lone parents households (vs 21% for the City of Toronto) * |
5 | Top non-official Mother Tongues spoken in the KGO: Tamil, Tagalog, Bengali, Gujarati Persian * |
23 | Number of agencies co-creating local strategies |
613 | Number of Hours volunteers of The Storefront contributed to their community between April 2021- March 2022 |
25 | Number of Partner Agencies providing services to residents |
900 |
One-on-one scheduled employment |
23 | Number of staff of The Storefront |
24 | Number of Languages Spoken by partners and staff of The Storefront |
32,278 | Connections made over the phone, emails and virtual meetings. |
50 | Laptops were given to local residents in partnership with the Justice Fund (2021-2022) |
Area Served | Kingston Road (south), Scarborough Golf Club Road (west), Ellesmere (north) and Morningside (east) |
*Information based on most recent information from Statistics Canada 2016