Our wishlist
Our wishlist is updated on a monthly basis. These items help Storefront staff and residents to provide flexible support to the community and help to offset the cost of our programs.
If you would like to donate an item on our wish list, please contact the front desk at info@thestorefront.org or by calling 416-208-9889. Items that are not on our wish list may still be accepted on a case by case basis or, we may be able to suggest one of our partner organizations that is looking for what you have to offer.
Always accepted (just walk in!)
Grocery gift cards and certificates
Gift cards for large retailers like Walmart and Canadian Tire
Unopened, unexpired pet food
Fresh proteins such as: goat, chicken, beef
Specialty items
Packable event tents
Gas BBQ or grill
Rain barrels
Lumber appropriate for use in a community garden
Gardening tools and implements - gloves, spades, trowels
Trellises for use in a garden
Unopened soil and mulch
To-go containers, used in our resident-led food programs