Meet andre

André* came to The Storefront to learn more about Second Career Financial Assistance. He had to leave his high stress job a few years ago due to health reasons and was now ready to re-enter the workforce. After André completed the lengthy application, he submitted his application to the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development (MAESD).  

The Ministry responded to André’s application with many questions about his plans to relocate.  With support of Storefront staff, André successfully demonstrated that the cost of studying and living out of Peterborough will be lower than in Toronto which will allow him to be financially independent sooner rather than later upon graduation.   His application was then approved.

Unfortunately, upon moving and settling in Peterborough, André quickly learned he was no longer eligible to receive Ontario Works. Storefront staff reached out to André’s landlord to advocate on his behalf, explaining why the rent will be paid soon and worked with MAESD to resolve the delay in payments as well as increase the initially assessed financial benefits.

In the end, André was able to access Ontario Works again, with limitations, but the additional support has been helpful. André has access to a higher basic living allowance, more generous health insurance coverage and is continuing his education in the college of his choice and residing at the same address.

André came to The Storefront looking for help to enter the Second Career program. He got what he was looking for, and more.  Because Storefront staff helped advocate for him, André is in a better economic situation and on his way to a new career and better life.

*We take steps to respect residents privacy. The story is real, but the name and image are not the resident described.


Woburn Local Planning Table


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